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From sleepless nights and frustrated days

to rested, rejuvenated, and back in control of your life!

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Baby Sleep Consultant in St Augustine, FL

Was your child awake more than they were asleep last night?


Do you spend hours getting your child to fall asleep at bedtime, only to find them awake 2 hours later?


Are you concerned that their lack of sleep is affecting their temperament, immune system, or growth and development?


Is your lack of sleep affecting your entire life from your health and wellness, and your career, to your relationships, and your overall happiness?


Do you wonder if this is just how it has to be?

As a parent, you experience these feelings...

Your biggest hesitation with having someone help support you with sleep training is the fear that it won’t work. 
You have tried things on your own, but never seem to make progress.
You are concerned that you are going to just have to let your baby "cry it out" for 12 straight hours. 

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Sound on!

I'm Hilliary Giglio and I want to help restore




in your home!




Sleep Training in St Augustine, FL

I've recently moved to St Augustine, FL, one of the most beautiful cities in Florida, and am excited to offer my baby sleep coach services in this area.


I've been helping support families with the sleep training process for a number of years, whether that's with a new baby, a toddler or an older child.


For clients in St Augustine FL, I offer both in-home sleep training support as well as online sleep consulting services

Proudly serving these local St Augustine Pediatricians as a trusted referral partner

Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

At Tranquil Beginnings we change parents' lives, by teaching their child to sleep through the night ….

  • so they can too;

  • so they can be healthy, happy, and functioning parents;

  • and so they can have healthy, happy, and thriving children.


Schedule your complimentary 30 minute sleep evaluation call today to share with me your specific sleep struggles and I can tell you exactly how I can help.

Sleep Solutions No Matter Where You Are

Peaceful Newborn

0-12/16 weeks

Avoid the sleeping problems many families face in infancy by laying the foundation for healthy sleep habits from the start.

baby on bed

3 months - 2.5 years

Tired of waking up in the middle of the night?


Struggling with short naps? Wishing your baby would sleep in their crib?

Image by Jose Ibarra

2.5-10 years

Still waking up in the middle of the night? Transition to the big kid bed gone wrong?


Your kiddo ending up in YOUR bed every night? Facing new sleep challenges as your child grows?

As seen in

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Dallas Mom

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Join today and receive the 5 Proven Steps to Getting Your Child to Sleep Through the Night!
Plus, free sleep tips every month!
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